1 2024,Team members of TSG2.3 of the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME15). TSG 2.3- Mathematics and creativity; mathematical competitions; mathematical challenge, July 7–14, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
1 2024,Taiwan representative, TIMSS 2023 the 7th National Research Coordinators meeting, March 17-22, Lisbon, Portugal.
1 2023, Invited lecture, Research on creativity in mathematics classroom teaching. November 28, Department of Teacher Education, California State University-Long Beach, California, USA.
2023, Invited lecture, Research on creativity in mathematics classroom teaching. November 13, School of Education, California University-Davis, California, USA.

2021, Invited speaker of TSG 36 (Research on classroom practice at primary level). Conjecturing teaching as competency-based instruction. Paper presented at the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME14). July 12–19, East China Normal University, Shanghai.


2021, Invited speaker, the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME14). for TSG 36- Research on classroom practice at primary level. July 11-18, East China Normal University, Shanghai.


2019, Plenary lecture(The comparison of cross-trait distinguished teachers’ mathematics classrooms from the sociocultural perspective. Paper presented at the international conference of the Integrating Mathematics Culture into Classroom: Significance, Path, and Prospect. June 20-22. Dalian university, China.


2018, Local Co-chair of the EARCOME 8 , May 7-11, Taipei, Taiwan.


2018, Chair of TSG 4 (Flexibility in Mathematics Teacher Education and Development) of the EARCOME 8, May 7-11, Taipei, Taiwan.


2017: Invited speaker (Development of the instrument of measuring students’ argumentation) of the Global Chinese Conference on Educational Information and Assessment Chinese Association of Psychological Testing Annual Conference (GCEIA), Dec. 15-16, Taichung, Taiwan.


2017, Keynote speaker(The Conjecturing contributing to the group argumentation in primary Classrooms) of the9thClassroom Teaching Research for All Students Conference (CTRAS8), July 12 – 15, Dalian, China.


2016, Co-chair of TSG8 (Teaching and learning of arithmetic and number systems (focus on primary education) of the 13th International Congress of Mathematics Education ICME 13 (ICME13), July 24-31, Hamburg, Germany.


2015, Chair of Special Sharing Group (Task Design in Pursuing the Quality of Mathematics Education) of the EARCOME7, May 11-15, Cebu city, Philippines.


2015, Keynote speaker (Fostering students' mathematical argumentation through tasks design for conjecturing and implementation) of the 7th Classroom Teaching Research for All Students Conference (CTRAS7), July 9 – 12, 2015, Long Beach, California.


2012, Team members of the Topic Study Group 23 (Mathematical knowledge for teaching at primary level) of the of the 12th International Congress of Mathematics Education(ICME12), July 8-15, Seoul, Korea.


2012, International Committees and local program committee of the Psychology of Mathematics EducationPME36), July in Taipei, Taiwan.


2010, Chair of TSG 2 (Assessment for excellence) of the EARCOME 5, August 18-20, Tokyo, Japan.


2005~2009, International Committees of the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME29-32)


2008, Speaker of Regular lecture (Supporting Mentors in Learning with School-University Partnership) of the 11th International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME-11), July 6-13, Monterrey, Mexico.


2007, the Review Committee of the TEDS-M Questionnaire Item.


2004, Organizer of the Discussion Group 6 (The education of teachers of mathematics) of 10th International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME10), July 4-11, Copenhagen, Demark.


2004~2008, International Teacher Education Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M).


Reviewer of international journals or conference papers (Teaching and Teacher education, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, (PME)(Since 1998-


2006-2008, 主持國際計畫:職前教師培育研究小學組的國際研究計畫Teachers Education Development Study in Mathematics(TEDS-M).


2003-2011, Trends in International Study of Mathematics and Science (TIMSS)




1997~current, reviewer of international journals, such as Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE), Teaching and Teacher education, Mathematically Thinking and Learning (MTL), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (IJSME), International Journal of STEM Education, Mathematics Teacher Education and Development (MTED) etc.


1997~currnt, reviewer of international conference papers, such as

  • International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME)

  • International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME)

  • International Congress of Mathematics Instruction Study (ICMI-Study)

  • Classroom Teaching Research for All Students Conference (CTRAS)

  • East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education (EARCOME)





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